
In today’s ever-changing retail landscape, having the right data and analytics to make the best decisions matters more than ever.

Discover insights into industry trends, efficient data management, data analytics best practices, and how to improve your profitability.
Unlock the full value of your retail data to successfully introduce new products, optimize trade spending and promotions, improve retail execution, and build your brand with Velocity®.
Building a Tower of Truth for CPGs
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Many CPGs struggle to collect, consolidate, and make sense of disparate retail data. Learn how you can gain and leverage a single version of the most accurate and reliable data for actionable insights.
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Can you trust your POS data when making critical business decisions? Unless you can answer “yes” to these few simple questions, your brand, sales, and profitability may be at risk.
Manually gathering retail sales data and relying on spreadsheets for decision-making wastes time, money, and resources. Here are five essentials that retail data analytics software should provide sales and marketing to increase sales, revenue, and ROI.
Sales forecasting, demand planning, production, and trade promotions are often based on shipments. What if you could better manage and grow your business based on what’s actually being sold daily in-store and online?
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Consumer demand is fickle, and you need to ensure your product is available and accessible when demand or market conditions shift. Daily item- and store-level retail data and analytics can give you a competitive advantage.
To win at the shelf requires a sound retail execution strategy and meticulous implementation. But without consistent monitoring and measuring of your efforts based on the most reliable data, suppliers will find it quite difficult to succeed.
White paper
Out-of-stocks have been a persistent, expensive problem for over a thousand years. Learn how advanced technology and more timely, accurate supply and demand data can better identify their root causes and predict and prevent them to reclaim revenue.
Resources | Retail Sales Analytics | Retail Velocity
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CPG And Retail Industry Trends to Track

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Daily Retail Data: The Keystone of Impactful CPG Decision-Making

July 18, 2024

Relying on weekly retail data for strategic decisions is short-sighted and flawed. Discover why daily POS and inventory data at a granular level is better for boosting sales, revenue, and profitability.

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A Smarter Path to Efficient Retail Replenishment

June 25, 2024

It used to be much easier for CG companies to replenish retailer stock. Now, retailers are demanding more which puts pressure on CGs. Learn how you can optimize retail replenishment with smarter data management and collaboration strategies.

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